Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ Love and respect are essense of peace and freedom and they never afford or accept monopoly. Love & beauty and vision & wisdom are for all and not personal property. If you love, respect and serve anybody, it must not stop and block your beloved to love, respect and serve others. You can't control moon not to provide light to others, except you. You are not having heart and instincts only. Your beloved, friend and ideal possesses Golden Heart full of aspiration and inspiration also. So, in this field, it is only positive policy to believe and abide by the principle that "I am for you and you are for all".
It is basic colour of my contact, connection and relation, with you my dear.]
تون چنڊ چاھت جو تنھنجي چانڊوڪي آھي سڀني لاء،
منھنجي من مسجد مندر اندر آھي فقط تنھنجي جاء,
تون منهنجو آھين ڀلي پاڻ کڻي پرين ڪنهن جو سڏاء,
دنيا کي سمجهاء, سرت سونهن سلام آھي سڀني لاء