Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[Everybody is living his/her own life, but not me. It is because of your distance and differences.
Dear! I am body and you are soul. How I can live my own life when my heart and mind, even eyes are on your side and none of them is with me. Your distance has thrown me before darkness and your differences have encircled me with sorrows & longings.
Dear! You are my life and let me to live my life, please.]
گھاريان پر ڪين پيو گذاريان، ھئ جا هوت منهنجي حیاتي آھ،
تون ڌڻي منهنجئ دل جو پنهنجو تان روح بہ مون وٽ ناھ،
جي رسي پئين تہ رلي وڃان ۽ وٺي وڃي تن من کي باھ,
جي رکيئي پري روح وجود کان تان پوء اندر ٻاهر اونداھ,
دک درد اچي لاھ, منهجئ دل جا ساجن سرت سلام سان.