Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ Dear! Be, what you are. Don't behave beyond your position. We all are equal and none of us is Mighty or Super-natural. Everybody deserves treatment at par with us. Whoever will follow self-oriented strategy, will be problem for all, including himself /herself.
Dear! Be, what you are. You are love & beauty, vision & wisdom and peace. Promote it, share it and deserve it.]
جڏھن ماڻهون دنيا کان ۽ پاڻ کان وڏو ٿيندو آ,
پوء ماڻھپي کان صفا نڪري سو جڏو
ٿيندو آ,
انا پرست جو سدائين سڀ سان ڦڏو
ٿيندو آ,
اندر ڄڻ تڏو ٿيندو آ, مئل دل محبت
سلام جو.