Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ My love and respect is not subject to your age or gender, caste or creed, and color or ideology. It is sufficient for loving, acceping and respecting you that you are human-being like me. I have nothing to do with your ego, hatred and approach of discrimination. I want to see you happy with peace and progress, only. Believe and Trust that I love you. Be kind and love yourself. Because, you are love & beauty.]
عشق نہ ڪيم ڏسي اکين سان توکي منهنجي هن قلب ئي ڪيو قبول,
رنگ نسل ذات پات جنس عمر ۽ دين ڌرم نہ بڻايم عشق جو اصول,
منهنجو اهو مقصد معمول, تہ سکيو هجين سرت سونهن سلام سان. .