IMG 20190106 WA0031
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ My love and respect is not subject to your age or gender, caste or creed, and color or ideology. It is sufficient for loving, acceping and respecting you that you are human-being like me. I have nothing to do with your ego, hatred and approach of discrimination. I want to see you happy with peace and progress, only. Believe and Trust that I love you. Be kind and love yourself. Because, you are love & beauty.]
عشق نہ ڪيم ڏسي اکين سان توکي منهنجي هن قلب ئي ڪيو قبول, 
رنگ نسل ذات پات جنس عمر ۽ دين ڌرم نہ بڻايم عشق جو اصول, 
منهنجو اهو  مقصد معمول, تہ سکيو هجين سرت سونهن سلام سان. .
IMG 20190105 WA0011
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
Dear!  Differentiate between " Universality" and "Monopoly". You are not only for Self, or for any individual. You are integrated part of Universe and for the Universe. See the Sun, Moon, Light and Water. They are for others and not for any tribe or an individual. In  such a way your talents & potentialities, vision & wisdom and beauty and love deserve and demand universal touch and colour. Get rid of ego & interests, discrimination and monopoly by you are anybody.  Pave way for " opportunities for all, love & respect for all and sources & resources for all'.]
“عالمگيريت“ اٿئي جانب اصلي “آدميت“ ۽ “ماڻھپي“ سندو سچو بنياد, 
جي عمل ڪرين ان تي تان پوء ڪرين يا اڻ-ٻڌو ڪو نہ ڪرين فرياد, 
جتي هڪ هٽي قول فعل مرضئ تي ات ٿئي نہ ڪنهن جو بہ داد, 
پنهنجئ پرائئ غلامئ مان ٿي آزاد, تہ ماڻين مزا سرت سلام جا.
IMG 20190104 WA0026
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[Dear! You are beauty and beautiful, not me. I am incomplete without you and you are not only complete, but second to none. However, my love for you is complete in all respects. Come on!  See it, witness it and experience it.]
اسان اڻپورا اڌورا پر توسان پيار پورو سمورو, 
تو بن آب اکين ۾ پر ٻري اندر ۾ جيئن پيو کورو,  
تن ڪارو پر من اٿم ڀورو,  اچي ڏس سلام سان.
IMG 20181228 WA0028
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Most of people in the name of ideology will dodge you and santch your independence and self-reliability. They will trap you in inferiority complex that you can't do anything therefore  you have to depend upon others. It is to make you mentally crippled as you can not utilize your talents & potentialities. 
Dear! To me, you are beauty & love and vision & wisdom. I love you because, you are useful for others.]
نالي الک جي ٻيڙو تار پنهنجو نہ ڪر آسرو ڪنهنجو, 
ڪري ڪين سگهندو ڪم اوکو سواء سندء سهنجو, 
ٻين تي ٿو ڀاڙين نٿو پاڻ ڄاڻين وتين نعارا
مون کي سو ئي وڻندو, جو  سڀني جو بار   کڻندو.
IMG 20181229 WA0063
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ We are created as Human-beings, but some people are bent upon to convert us iinto angels. It has created differences and distance in hearts and minds and disturbed peace.
 These peole have no hearts, but business-oriented mind. They will offer prayers so as to get Paraside. They will only continue contact, connection and relation till their interests require it. They will commit crimes, but will not accept their faults & mistakes. But, will declare you sinfull in the same cases. 
Dear!  Human-nature is combination of contrasts: good & bad, right & wrong, deeds & misdeeds. We can't end and change human-nature but can moult it in the interests of society. Let us work on it and for it.]
غير انسانئ کي چون انساني انسان کي چون ٿي فرشتو, 
مطلب کان سواء تون مون ۽ خدا سان ڪين رکن رشتو, 
اچ تہ بدلايون اهو سرشتو, سرت سونهن سچ سلام سان.

Good Wishes