Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[ To Remember death in life is better, but it is best to find life in death. Wherever you notice dead hearts &'minds, be source of life for them. Be soul for their bodies. Declare with firm belief and force that death is door to another everlasting life and there is no need of fear. When you believe in, what is not your, but given by others such as name & ideology and traditions & value; then what is problem in not believing in self? Believe yourself as everybody can believe you. Believe that you are life, love and beauty.]
زندگئ ۾ ڀل کڻي موت ياد ڪجي پر موت ۾ زندگي تلاش ڪجي,
موت نئين زندگئ جو دروازو راز سو هر هر فاش ڪجي,
دکن دردن کي ايئن بي ڊپائپ سان پرين پاش پاش ڪجي,
اعتبار سڄڻ ڪاش ڪجي, پنهنجئ سرت سندرتا وفا تي.