GOOD NIGHT ( January, 2018)

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (1st January, 2018)
[Dear! You are not born to bow before others. You are equal at par with all and you are very important. Love & serve, respect & accept every one, not as follower but, as an ideal. 
Dear! Society is in dire need of you and your vision & wisdom. You are leader. Be, what you are. You are second to none ]
دل يا دنیا يا دلبر جي در تون نمدين؟
ڪنھن در ھر پل پيو جھڪندین؟
دونھین ٿي تون درد فراق سندي،
یا ڪنھن جي دارون لاء دکندین؟
یا بادل بٹجي تون ڪو برہ سندو،
بنجر دلین تي هرپل پیو وسندین؟
یا مون جیان مرندین ۽ چوندین؟
آئون نہ جيئندس جانب کان سواء.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(2nd January, 2018)  
[Walls have no tongue, but they are speaking loudly. You have tongue, but why you are so silent? Dear! Do not speak about my sorrows & longings. But, speak about your own beauty, vision & wisdom . Because, they are only source of love and peace for all] 
دیواریون بہ ڳالھائن پيون دوست !
تو جیئن ناھن صدین کان خاموش،
اڀ-ڏاریندڙ آھون تون ڪوه نہ ٻڌین، 
اسان دانھیندي وڃائیوسين ھوش،
ڪڏھن توکي پرين ایندو جوش ,
پنھنجئ سرت سچائئ سونھن تي؟

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (3rd January, 2018)
[In valueless Valley, you, me and common people have no will & wish and desire & demand of our own. Stage & agenda is set for us to perform as required & desired by nears & dears, leaders & ideals.]
مرضي پوندن تان هو مھر ڪندا، 
باقي دانھون آھون سڀ بیسود،
پنھنجی حیثیت ڪجھ بہ ناھي، 
پر ھت حق موجود سدا موجود،
سمجھین تان تون سمجھ اھو ئي،
تون ناھين محبوب مگر مقصود،
تنهنجو ناھي جيئن ڪوئي وجود،
بي سود سرود, سرت سونهن سواء.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(4th January, 2018)
[ My soul is searching you and I am preaching & praising your beauty since centuries. Dark night and crowds of my sorrows & longings have been witnessing all this with anxiety. My heart Is making complaint against me that why I have only one life? Whereas, to pray and please dear is a task that requires so many lives. 
Dear! Situation is critical. Soul is not on my side and heart is hating me and demanding more and more.Come on Dear! Protec
t me from myself, from needs of my heart and desires of my soul, please.] 
اکين کي هر پل سندء ئي ساجن انتظار
دل تو بن بيحد بي صبري گهڻو بي قرار
تنهن بره-وند جو مون سان ئي تڪرار
منهنجي روح سندو پنهنجو قول اقرار,
آئون اڪيلو انهن اڳيان تان صفا لاچار
لاه اچي هي آزار, سرت ۽ سونهن سان,

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(5th January, 2018)
[ When you are bent upon to violate Human-values. When you can't listen cries and can't feel sorrows & longings of others. When you can't care about lives of lovers, how can you find peace and beauty? You will be betrayed, dodged and ignored by every heart and mind. Keep it in mind, dear] 
ڪرین قدر نہ تون حیاتین سندو،
پوء توکی ملندو ڪیئن سڪون؟
دلیون ٽوڙین ڪا دانھن نہ ٻڌین،
ڪرین سدائين گھر خدا جو زبون،
ڌڪارین محبت مروت ۽ ماٹھپو،
توکي هردم نفرت سندو جنون،
نینھن-'نون'، تو ۾ 'عین' نہ عشق جو.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (6th January, 2018)
[Nights are very kind and cooperative. They are dark as no one can see tears in my eyes. They are dark to make you believe that without dear, darkness has to prevail upon us my heart & soul.
Dear! Understand the message of dark nights .Come on! I want to get rid of tears, fears and darkness ]
تو بن منھنجا ساجن سپرین، 
ڏس رات ڏیکاري ڇا ڇا رنگ،
آئون نھاریان هر پل نرمل لاء،
ھوء پڻ چوري چاھت - چنگ،
آھيو عشق ۽ تون اھڙا اڙٻنگ،
جو سٹو نہ آھون اسان جون.

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.(7th January, 2018)
[In anxiety to receive you, I don't care about darkness of night. Because, there is light of your beauty and my hope. Though, it is, but I do not feel cold. It is burning here everything including my body & soul without you. Stars are witnessing fall of night and flowing of my tears. Where are you dear?] 
سخت سرد سیاري سندي رات،
پر گرم ۽ روشن سندء یاد سان،
پيا ٿا رند تڪيون سندء رانول، 
ھئ رات اڀ-ستارا سارا ۽ مان،
رات لڙي ٿي ھئ تان جان جان،
تیئن پيا لڙڪ لڙن ٿا نیٹن مان.

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. (8th January, 2018)
[Terrible conditions are created when we neither understand, nor abide by Human values and requiments of instincts and natural norms. Scared souls can't understand ground realities. Closed hearts can't accept vision & wisdom and love & beauty. Ego will distance & differences. It is the problem of our society and by our socity]

بيزاري جي بره کان پوء رهندي دنيا سان جنگ
پاڻ کان پرين کان پوء پنهوارن کان رهبو تنگ
رهڻَ ڪٺن پوء سنگ, سرت سونهن سورن سان.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(9th January, 2018)
[ Dear, Life and Death will never accept your dictation. It is better to offer them your sincerity & sacrifice, love & beauty. If dear is pleased, you can defeat death. If life is pleased, peace will be with your heart & mind. In such away, you will be source of vision & wisdom ]
حاڪم ھوت موت ۽ حیاتئ تي،
سگھي حڪم نہ ھلائي ڪیر،
سرت سونهن نہ سمجھن مورڳو،
تن سان تن جو جيئن ڪو ویر،‏
تن سان سنڀالي کٹجي سدا پیر،
ڪڍي من جو مير هلجي تن سان.‏

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.(10th January, 2018)
[Dear! My soul has spent very difficult day in your search. It is night now and my heart has stared beating loudly in hope that you may listen its call. Either you are coming, or not, but the rising Sun as usual will witness trust and determination of my heart and soul] 
ڏوریئن ڏینھن ڏکن جو، رات بہ رمندو تو لاء روح،
سوین سور سھي صبوح، ڪندو ڪڇندو ڪین ڪي.


Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(11th January , 2018)
[It is cold tonight and everything seems to be cool. But my heart and soul are burning in the fire of your distance. 
It is not matter of this dark and cold night, but it is longest story of burning since centuries. ]
سیارو ۽ پارو مٿان هئ ڪاري رات، 
پر اندر ۾ توبہ هر پل اوکو اونھارو،
تو بن منهنجو من ۽ روح ویچارو
ڏسي نہ چارو جلن جدائئ-آگ ۾.

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. (13th January, 2018)
[Your cries can't be listened and understood, because, bitter experience and dodging attitudes of people have closed doors for trust and faith to enter any heart and mind. It is the reason, my dear is not ready to listen and believe me. The only option left for me is to make more sacrifices with sincerity and selflessness. May it pave way to reach near to my dear
, and I can be listened properly and accordingly ]

اڀ ٻڌي ۽ ڌرتي ٻڌي پر ٻڌي نہ سڄڻ يار
ڪي تان ڪارڻ چئبا جوآھي بره کان بيزار
ھن جي خاموشي اسان لاء تان نسورو آزار
اسان جي ريت پريت جو اهو وهنوار معيار
نينهن ڪري نروار, رکيو راڄن جي اڳيان,

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.(14th January, 2018) 
[To find self and to be self is the only way to understand, accept & respect others, their love & beauty, and to follow sincerity & sacrifice with trust & hope. Egotism is not only self-rejection, but also to deprive self and others of human values, requirements of instincts and urge of love & beauty, peace & progress] 
خودي ناھي ڪا ئي خواري پرین،
آھي اصلئون خود پرستي عذاب،
آپي مان اھو ئي ٿو نڪري وڃي،
جنھن برہ جو پڙھیو ناھ ڪو باب،
اھو ڇا ڄاٹي ڇاهي گناھ يا ثواب،
جو سمجھي نہ حساب سونهن جو.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night (15th January, 2018)
[If you are in love, you can't sleep. Became, sleeping will throw you in Valley of dreams. Whereas, love don't believes in dreams, but reality. Love requires a restless efforts to reach near to dear. Love never believes in age or gender and caste & colour. Love creates awareness about sincerity & sacrifice, trust & hope, that is required by beauty] 

نینھن بہ ھجيوري پوء ننڊ اچي،
اھو لڳي ئي نہ ٿو ڪڏھن کوڙو،
عشق نہ پڇي ذات عمر ڄمار کي،
ڪوئي جوان ھجي یا ڪو پوڙھو،
پل بہ جيئن ورھین جو وڇوڙو،
جي پيار پنوڙو ونڊي راتین سان.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (16th January, 2018)
[ Dear! Neither you are any dream, nor life is dream land. Help me to get rid of figments of imagination. Help me to understand and accept Ground realities. You are an ideal with vision & wisdom. Don't avoid to play your role. Dear! Assign Aim to my life. Interpret human values, love & beauty, sin & crime for me. I need to change myself and my society ]
خیالن ۽خوابن منجه ڪا خوشي ناھي،
تون حقیقت حقیقت تو منجھ ئي آھي،
پرین پري رھج نہ ڪي تون ٺاھ ٺاھي،
تو بنا زندگئ جو ڪارڻ تہ ڪو ناھي،
اچ گناھن نفرتن جون دیوارون ڊاھي،
سچ ٻڌائي، دنیا دلین جي جوڙ جاني.

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. (18th January,2018)
[Dear! Neither you are figment of imagination, nor any dream. But, you are reality and combination of Body & Soul and love & Beauty. I have not accepted you partially. If faults and mistakes are found in you, so what? Who is faultless and above mistakes? Be sure that only you are respectable, acceptable and loveable for me. Trust yourself and believe me]

سنگم تن من روح وجود جو تون آھين لاجواب
ناهين جانب تون خيالي يا ڪوئي خام خواب
لڪ نہ مون ۽ تون پاڻ کان لاهي ڇڏ نقاب
سرت سچائئ سونهن جو تون فقط آھين شباب
مثل ماڻھن هوندي توکي نينهن بڻايو خاص نواب
ان لاء اسان بي حجاب, چاهيو توکي سر-ڌڻي.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(19th January, 2018)
جو لوگ مجازی یار کی عدم موجودگی کے دکھ یا حقیقی محبوب کی یاد میں راتوں کو جاگتے ہیں وہ خوابوں کی وادی میں سرگردان نظر نہیں آتے۔ وہ اپنے محبوب کی یاد کو اپنی محبت کا دین و ایمان سمجھتے ہیں۔ انہیں اپنی نیازمندی پر گھمنڈ نہیں ہوتا ہے۔ وہ اپنی محنت اور محبت کا کوئی معاوضہ نہیں مانگتے البتہ اپنے محبوب کو خوش دیکھنے کی تمنا رکھتے ہیں]

راتیون جاڳي ڪن راضي رانول صنم
تن جو خیالی خوابن سان ڪھڙو ڪم؟

لڪیو لوڪان لالڻ کي پیا ھو پرچائن،‏
ھٹن نہ پنھنجئ نیازئ تي ڪو ئي دم،‏
تن ڪونهي غم، نہ وھم قرب ڪمائي تي

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (20th January, 2018)
[Nothing belong to you. Neither life, nor health & wealth. You are love, but not hatred . You are peace, but not violence. It is your status, identification & beauty. 
Dear! Play your role. Share your vision & wisdom, promote love & beauty and beautify hearts & minds, please] 
تون آھین امانت عشق جي، عشق امانت توء،
نہ ھئ حیاتي تنھنجي، نہ ئي سر آھ سندوء،
تون دعا دوا دردن جي پرين پاڻ نہ ايئن لوء
پرین ! تون پوء، ڇو لنوائین سرت سلام کان؟

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(21st January, 2018)
[Eyes are of no use, if heart is blind and not able to see beauty & love. If heart is chained in doubts and misunderstandings, than soul cannot feel free.If vision & wisdom to take care of personal interest, it cannot be understood that a single moment passed in human respect, service and love is better than centuries of piousness]
دید نہ پئي جي دل سندي، پوء ڪبو ڪاڏي اکین جو نور؟
روح ڀلا ڪیئن راضي پاضي، جي من ماٹھوء جو مجبور؟
امرت-ڌارا پیار جو پور، گھٹو سرور سرت سونھن سلام ۾.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(22nd January, 2018)
[Saints and pious people avail night time to please Allah. Whereas. In nights I am praising your beauty so as to earn blessings of The Great Creator, who has created you as a wonderful and beautiful human-being. Because, to me, if I have to please Allah, I must love HIS beautiful creation.
Dear! The Sun has never seen me and saints in bed since its birth]
سنتن صوفین وانگر آئون پڻ، جاڳان ساریان سرت-ڌٹي،
ڏوریندي ڀل ڏینھن ٿین، راتین ۾ صدیون گذرن جي کٹي،
جن وئي جانب جي یاد وٹي، تن کي سج ستو ڪونہ ڏٺو،

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(23rd January, 2018)
[Do you know that why night is so black and dark? It is because of smoke of my sorrows & longings. Whoever believes in Human love, beauty & respect and follow them religiously, will realize that what is terrible impact of distance & different on hearts & souls. Dear! Cure such souls and hearts with care & kindness and don't deal them with cruelty]
منھنجي آھن جو ھئ اثر ، جو ڪاري ٿي وئي رات،
جي ڄاٹن طلب ۽ تات، سي سمجھن سندم سور کي.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(26th January, 2018)
[I lost myself in day time and in day light. Therefore, I am striving to search myself in the darkness of night. But, nothing is seen and nothing is found. I need light of love and brightness of beauty and vision & wisdom. There should be any Heart to Listen me and there should be any Mind understand me. But, nobody has spare heart & mind. Who will listen me? Who will understand me? Perhaps, I have to listen myself, understand myself and find myself.
Dear! Are you in any problem? Resolve it yourself, like me]
جو ڏس ڏوریم نہ ڏینھن جو، سو پیو راتین ۾ ڳولھیان،
جو سٽ منجھایم سوچن جو، سو تو ڪارڻ پیو کولیان،
جو جانب آئون ٻولیان، سو سڻ ۽ سمجھ سرت سان.‏

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(27th January, 2018)
[Dear! I can see you with my closed eyes. Because, you are very much in my dreams and in every heart beat.  But, you can't recognize me with your open eyes. Because, hatred & discrimination have thrown love out of your heart.
Dear!  In Day light you can't witness my sincerity & trust, but in dark nights in light of your remebrance, I have opened doors and am waiting to receive you]
منهنجي سوچن ۽ یادین سپنن ۾، 
تون ٻھگڻ سدا ٻول ڪرين انمول،
تو تي اکیون بندي ڪیم ڀروسو، 
تون کولين نيڻ ٿئي گهڻو چوپول،
جانب ! هي تان خالي سندم جھول،
ڪر تون رنگ رتول اچي هن رات ۾.

Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night. (28th January, 2018)
[ I am human being since creation of Adam. Why you are bent upon to see me as an Angel-like Human being.? When I believe and follow human love & beauty, peace & respect, why you are imposing hatred & discrimination upon me to accept and follow? I am living my own life, no problem if it is full of sorrows and longings. But why you ruining my life for your pleasure are asking me for living your life?]

ڈاکٹر در محمد پٹھان
میں انسان تو ازل سے ہوں، مجھے تم پھر سے تو انسان نہ بنا،
تیرے حسن و ادا پر ہے ایمان محکم، مسلمان کو یوں مسلمان نہ بنا.
جبلت-دار وفادار ہوں یقین کر، عدم تعاون سے مجھے حیوان نہ بنا.‏
کس طرح عمر گذری ہے؟میرے باغ غمو الم کو یوں سنسان نہ بنا. ‏
Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Night.(30th January, 2018)
[Stars of your memory are shining in my heart and have made night very bright. My eyes are raining on not to see you here. This situation is not only enjoyable, but amazing also. In spite of not being here you are very much present in my heart & mind and me in spite of being here am not present , but with my wandering soul to search you] 
تیری یادوں سے جگمگاتی رات،ترستى آنکھوں کی برسات،‏
حسین منظر غروب سورج سے ! میری نفی اور تیری اثبات. ‏

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. (31st January, 2018)
[ I passed day in feeling aftershocks of earthquake, and now there is Red Blood Moon in sky with total eclipse. Earth and Sky of my heart and mind are facing same situation because of your distance and differences. I am between Moon of love and Sun of your Beauty ]

دن کو زلزلہ اور رات کو چاند گرہن
تیرے رویوں نے سجایا میرا صحن
رات دکھ درد کا ہے جیسے باغ عدن
ہر دن تیری یادوں کا ہے میرا چمن.

Good Wishes