"THE CRIMINAL TRIBES ACT MANUAL". Government Publication.
My second last sharing was on "Criminal Rules" and it was it was discussed in the context of "HUR MOVEMENT". Today's sharing is also on the same Subject, but it covers an other aspect of the Subject. The Manual was to provide Police Officers and Magistrates with a complete reference book. It was some sort if guide line so as to about legal errors and to explain the intricacies of the Criminal Tribes Act. Researchers doing work on the highhandedness of British Government in Sindh, will find a lot of material of their interest. The book is available in Gul Hayat. (Mumtaz Ali Pathan)
فرنگي سرڪار ڏيهي ماڻھن کي ڪارن قانونن جي پنجوڙن ۾ جڪڙي جيڪي ظلم ڪيا ان تي اڃان اسان جي محققن منظم تحقيق جو آغاز ڪون ڪيو آھي. گورئ سرڪار جي ڪاري دور ۾ جيڪي ڪارا قانون جڙيا ۽ انهن جا جيڪي رولس يا مينيوئل تيار ڪيا ويا انهن مان ڪيترا گل حيات ۾ موجود آھن.
هئ مينيوئل ب ان گڏ ڪيل خزاني جو حصو آھي. هئ ڪتاب ماجسٽريٽن ۽ پوليس عملدارن جي رهبرئ لاء تيار ڪيو ويو هو. ڪتاب جو ٽائيٽل شيئر ڪجي ٿو. (ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)