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"THAKIAI THAR THELH". By Bakhshal Talho
It is interesting to note that since the beginning of Communist influence in Sindhi, this ideology has been preached and advocated by its followers and Sindh leaders without any break. The disintegration of Communist Country has not disintegrated hearts and souls of Sindhi Communist leaders and Comrades. Bakhshal Thalho is a big name and fame as a preacher, teacher and promoter of Communist Philosophy and Progressive Ideology. This book reflects on his study and interest on the subject and is worth to be included in study scheme of study circles of this ideology. The book is available in Gul Hayat collection. (Mumtaz Ali Pathan)
سنڌ ۾ ڪميونسٽ نظريئي جي ابتدا ڪيئن ۽ ڪڏھن ٿي؟ انهئ لاء بابا سائين جو ڪتاب “ ادب ۽ ماحول“ پڙھڻ لائق آھي.
جڏھن کان هن فلاسافئ سنڌ ۾ پير پختا ڪيا آھن ان جي مبلغن جي گادي ڪڏھن ب خالي ن ٿي آھي. سنڌ ان حوالي سان وڏا نالا پيدا ڪيا آهن.
هن دور ۾ ڪامريڊ بخشل ٿاهو پڻ وڏو نالو آھي. سندس هئ ڪتاب دنيا ۾ ڪميونسٽ اثر تي روشني وجهي ٿو. ڪتاب گل حيات ۾ موجود آھي)ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)

Good Wishes