The Sindh Natural History Society came into being on May 31st, 1927 with Aims & Objects to promote interest in study of natural history of Sindh in all its aspects both purely scientific and practical, including such as the introduction and acclimatization of plants and animals. W. F. Hudson, Commissioner -in-Sindh was its founder President.
This Society started publication of the Journal that was edited by C.Chatterji, who was Hon. Joint Secretary of the Society. We have photo copies of its first volumes in Gul Hayat Institute. This is very rare and important document on the subject. (Mumtaz Pathan)
انگريزن جي ڏهاڙن ۾ اسان جي علمي ادبي تاريخي ۽ ٻين شعبن ۾ وڏيون منظم روايتون قائم ٿيون جن کي اسان وڌائي نہ سگهيا آھيون بلڪ انهن جي ٻيڙي ٻوڙي چڪا آھيون. انهيءَ دور ۾ 1927 ۾ “سنڌ نيچرل هسٽري سوسائٽي“ قائم ڪئي وئي هئي جنهن طرفان انگريزيءَ ۾ ھڪ رسالو نڪرندو هئو. انهيءَ رسالي جي شروعاتي چئن پرچن جي فوٽو اسٽيٽ ڪاپي گل حيات ۾ موجود آھي. انهن پرچن ۾ موضوع تي نهايت اهم ۽ نادر معلومات ڏني وئي آھي.(ممتاز پٺاڻ