"SINDHI SAHITYA AIN SAHITYAKAR". By. Dr. Kimat Harisinghani.
Dr. Kimat was born on 26th of January 1936 at Karachi and after Partition he along with his parents migrated to India and settled down in Bhopal. He is author of more than six books and has remained editor of "Sindhu Darshan" and " Sindhu Jewan Dhara". His book " Sindhi Sahitya Ain Sahityakar is very important research work. It provides Biographical information of 201 Sindhi Poets & writers. This book is available in Gul Hayat collection. ( Mumtaz Ali Pathan)
1936 ۾ ڪراچيءَ ۾ ڄاول ۽ ورهاڱي کان پوءِ وڃي ڀوپال ۾ آباد ٿيڻ واري قيمت هريسنگهاڻي ايڊيٽر ۽ اديب طور سهڻي نموني ٻوليءَ جي جهولي ڀري آھي. سندس هي ڪتاب سوانح حيات جي حوالي سان وڏي ادبي ۽ تحقيقي اهميت رکي ٿو. ڪتاب ۾ 201 اديبن ۽ شاعرن جو ذڪر ڏنو ويو آھي. اهو ڪتاب گل حيات ۾ موجود آھي. (ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)