While going through the pages of Sindh history, we find that Muslims and Hindus remained in good books of each other. My father, Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan has compiled list of names of Non-Muslims those rendered their services on key posts during centuries. There was no any distance and differences in both segments of Sindhi Society. In Talpur period serious cases of differences occured due to no intefere policy of Government in religious matter. Karachi and Khairpur remained burning spots in those days. Highhandedness of some Muslims disturbed Hindus. In Karachi, father of Seth Naumal was vicitmised to extent that he left Sindh as nobody was there to protect him. It created hatred in the heart and mind of Seth Seth Naumal, who helped officers of the East India Company to take over Sindh unlawfully and without justification. The British government applied policy of Divide & Rule. It worked in such a way that Sindh faced terrible differences and violances throughout the British Rule.