Cases and incidents of conversions rocked sindh and poisoned relations between the communities. The most sensational in this genre was what came to be known --- and published --- as ``the great sheikh case''. In 1891, moorajmal advani, a cousin of showkiram advani, the mukhi of hyderabad hindus, became muslim his three sons also became muslim. One of them, mewaram, invited his wife mithi bai with her four children --- khushali, nihali, parmanand, and hemi --- to join her. She refused. Mewaram moved the session’s judge of hyderabad, an englishman, under the guardians and wards act, to secure the custody of the two elder children. The hindus took it as a challenge. Showkiram's sons navalrai and tarachand, collected a sum of 25,000 rupees to fight the case. The muslims reportedly collected 40,000 rupees. The hindu case was argued by jairamdas's father, daulatram. The muslims engaged effendi, the founder of the karachi madrassa. The fat was in the fire.
Khushali, who was only eight at the time, told the court that, for her, father had died the moment he changed his faith. She said that if the court must hand her over to her father, it must first do her the favour of hanging her. The court ruled that it would be a crime to hand over the two girls to mewaram. Mewaram moved the higher court but meanwhile the two girls had been married off and the court dismissed the appeal. Mewaram then brought forty camel-loads of armed muslims to physically seize the two younger children, but the latter escaped through a back-door. Mithi bai and her children then moved to the security of amritsar, since the muslims were scared of the sikhs. Her son p.M. Advani made name as principal of the blind school in karachi.
Soon after, deoomal, elder brother of acharya kripalani, became sheikh abdul rahman. Since he did not dare become muslim while his eldest brother, thakurdas, was alive, he took him for a swim to the phuleli canal with muslim friends and had him drowned. Some time later when the widowed sister-in-law wanted to visit her mother, he escorted her out and took her to a muslim locality. She was never heard of again. Soon after, deoomal himself became muslim. Later he kidnapped his 12-year young brother nanak from the school, got him converted, sent him to the frontier. Nanak died fighting for the turks against the italians in 1911.
The problem with these new muslims was that they did not like to inter-marry with the old muslims; they therefore tried to convert more hindus to enlarge their endogamous circle.
In 1908, jethanand lilaram of thatta became sheikh abdul majid. Since he was twenty plus at the time, he won the case. But advocacy of his case by bhurgri made the latter a leader.
In 1923 “ sindh shudi sabha”, on pattern of all-india shudi sabha is formed in karachi with aims & object to reconvert sindhi muslims, those embraced islam on their own. (70) sindh arya samaj and hindu yuvak sabha supported this newly formed organization. It remained active till 1927 [71]. Office-bearers and members of the sindh sabha were educationists, journalists and politicians. Hence, under their influence and with their support the sabha got opportunity to deteriorate hindu-muslim relations. Sawami govindanand ji was editor of “kesri” and k. Punnah was editor of “ sindh obsever”. Therefore, both newspapers gave wider publicity to the activities of shudi sabha. The movement pawed way for terrible rift between hindus and muslims.
The sindh shudi sabha launched very aggressive movement in larkan districh. A muslim lady from gerelo was kidnapped by force by hindus (72). It was not an end but beginning of their aggressive activities. Young kids of a muslim khokhar family were kidnapped and were forcibly converted to hinduism. (73). It put petrol on fire and disturbances erupted abruptly. The main reason behind it was the partial attitude of hindu district magistrate (74).
The hindu-muslim affray occurred at larkana on the morning of 30th march, 1927, in which 69 persons in all were injured, of whom one succumbed to his injuries, and about 70 persons were arrested (75).
The matter was so serious that it was discussed and debated in the house of commons, in u.K 02 may 1927 and questions were asked also.[76] The muslims started reacting and speaking. On 29th april 1927 a largely attended meeting of muslims was held at nawabshah with molvi haji hakem muhammad sidiq morai
. Kidnapping of a muslim woman from gerelo, avoiding to hand over muslim kids to father was the sole agenda of the meeting. Strong worded resolution was passed asking hindus to refrain from dividing sindh into hindu and muslim camps. Because, such type of aggressiveness will harm peace and unity of sindh (77). An other meeting of the “sind mohammadan association" was held on the 12th december, 1927 at 10.00 a.M. At the bunglow of kb. Wali muhammad hassanlly at karachi. Khan bahadur shah nawaz khan bhutto c.I.E., o.B.E., m.L.C. Presided. Prominent among those present were; k.B.Shah nawaz khan bhutto, k.B. Wali md. Hassanally, hon’ble mr. Ali bux, syed ghulam murtaza shah, wadero allah bux khan m.L.C., mr.
Mohammed ayoob khohro, m.L.C., seth haji abdullah haroon m.L.A., syed ali asgher
Shah zaminder of titkhar, seth khudadad of larkana, seth ahmeddin of larkana, seth
Haji abdul shakoor sahib of karachi, syed shah nawaz shah of thatta, seth mohd.
Jaffer khuwaja, k.S.Ali hassan khan halcro, mr. Abdul majid hassanally bar-at-law,
K.S. Shaikh kaim khan of kamber, mr.Ghulam hyder of karachi, shaikh haji abdul
Majid sahib, molvi din mohd. Vafai, mr. Din mohammed alig, mir allah bux khan talpur
The resolution passed in this meeting throws light on the terrible situation created in larkana. Let us look at wordings of the resolutions:
1. This meeting of the sind mohammadan association expresses its heart felt
Sympathy with abdullah khokhar and dilawar khan of larkana on their children
Having been forcibly converted and concealed by hindus, and with profound regret
Protests against the undue indifference and carelessness of the sind government
Which, not with standing the search warrants issued by the district court of
Lankana, has not uptillnow made any great effort to trace out the suffering children
Of these poor grieved persons and urges upon the government to take legal action
Against those hindus in whose houses the children against their wishes, were sent
By the order of the sub-divisional magistrate and find out the children and restore
Them to their parents.
2. Having fully considered over the committal order passed by the special
Magistrate regarding the case tried by him in connection with supposed larkana
Riots, the sind mohammadan association resolves as follows:-
(a) this association expresses its regret at the attitude of the district
Magistrate of lankana for having refused to grant the request of a reasonable
Muslim deputation of larkana which request they made to him in the form of
Petition praying that the larkana riot case should be withdrawn for doing which
There sufficient ground even in the committal order passed by the lower court; and
Further the association requests the bombay government to order the withdrawal of
The said case.
(b) this association expresses its regret on and condemnation of the
Attitude of the civil surgeon of larkana, who, in spite of the opinion of the
Competent and qualified medical practitioners of larkana that shaikh abdul razak
Was sufi'ering from heart disease and was unfit to be confined in jail, did not certify
Him to be unfit for being detained in jail, the result of which was that shaikh abdul
Razak, a prominent muslim leader and municipal councilor, was ultimately sent to
His house in a dying condition where he expired with in ten minutes. The
Association draws the attention of the surgeon general to the government of
Bombajr and local authorities to such treatment of the civil surgeon and request
That he should be given exemplary punishment for the same.
(c) the attitude of the sessions judge also in connection with late shaikh
Abdul razalc sahib is objectionable because when the case was pending in the lower
Court, he had released shaikh abdul razalt on bail on medical grounds but after
Committal to the sessions court, in spite or the same strong reasons he rejected his
Bail and put him in jail, which resulted in his death,
Id) it is apparent from the committal order that the resident
Majistrate, mr.Rupchand had most tyrannically and mercilessly arrested and put in jail
Innocent musssulmans and his irregularities, tyranny and falsehood are proved from the
Committal order. Therefore the government is requested to take necessary action against
[e] It is apparent from the said committal order that the public
Prosecutor, mr. Parmanand, himself also took part in the criminal act of getting innocent
Mussulmans arrested and this association regrets to note that the same man was put
Incharge of conducting the case as government prosecutor. Further the fact that shaikh
Abdul razak was released on bail on medical grounds by the same sessions judge when
Sthe case was pending in the lower court, was not revealed by mr.Permanand when he got
His bail rejected and got him put in jail which also clearly proves that mr. Parmanand has
Not faith fully discharged his duty as public prosecutor. Therefore this association urges
Upon the action against him.
(1) this association expresses its heartfelt mussulmans who died when
Under -trial in jail an urges upon the government the necessity of taking legal action
Against those who were responsible for having arrested them and giving adequate
Compensation to the families of the deceased.
(3] It is show in the committal order that among the accused mussalmans,
Eleven muslims are those against whom there is not a particle of evidence produced and
Even no one comes forward to say who attested them, and yet pending the trial for
Months they have been made to suffer the rigorous of jail life. The association condemns
Such a tyranny and strongly demands from the government that those guilty of having arrested these innocent mussulmans must be traced and found and proceedings taken against them and there victims of tyranny should be adequately compensated for the damage done to their honour and means of livelihood.
(h) legal action should be taken against those people who arrested and gave evidence against thoe other mussulmans who according to the judgment of the special majistrate were proved not guilty and released and all those innocent mussalmans who have undergone the hardships of jail and suflered financially should be adequately compensated for the damage done to their honour and means of livelihood.
(I) this association regrets to find that from among the accused mussalmans who were proved not guilty in the lower court and released, five have been proceeded against again; and got committed to the sessions courts, and efforts are being made to have still more of them committed to the sessions court. This association impresses upon the government that such excesses are harmful to the fair name of
British justice; therefore they should be checked.
(j) the arrests of innocent mussulmans the cloak of the larkana riots, keeping them in jail, trying to have more arrested and put in jail, all this, this, in the opinion of this association is done by the local government having been prejudiced by artificial agitation, which this association views with great regret.
(k) copies of the resolutions to be sent by the president to the commissioner-in-sind, his excellency the governor-in-council and the press. (78).
Sindh muhammadan association in collaboration with other muslim parties declared 13th january 1927 as the larkan day and day was observed in the length and breadth of sindh and protest was lodged against highhandedness of hindu officers of larkana. (79)
Hindus also started taking the matter as serious. On 2nd of april 1927 a deputation of sindhi hindus, headed by jairamdas doulatram meet home member of the bombay government and demanded for deployment of military in larkana on the eve of eid ramzan (80 ) . Nothing happened on eid day but on the 2nd day after eid hindus observed complete shutdown of their business shops.(82 )
The hindu muslim difference took turn of killings now. On 4th of may 1927, the: judgment in the case of a pamphlet containg objectionable material and use of ugly language against holy prophet (pbuh) is delivered by justice kunwar dalipsing of the lahore high court. The accused rajpal, the publisher of that pamphlet is set free. The same pamphlet with same was later on translated and published by nathoram in sindh. He was killed in court by ghazi abdul qayoom in karachi. (83.)
Nithoram was bookseller and publisher. He translated and got it published a book against our prophet peace be upon him. He was killed by abdul qayoom of karachi, who accepted and justified his action in the court and earned hanging till death in 1935. When his dead body was handed over to his relatives, people started gathering and it took the shape of procession the indian annual register narrates the story that on “ march 19th, 1935: military fire on mob in karachi. About 40 persons were killed and hindered injured as the result of firing by the military on a muslim mob in karachi. This was a sequel to the execution of abdul qayum who was sentenced to death on a charge of murder in open court of a hindu maharaj nathuram. After execution the body was sent to the cemetery outside the city where it was buried with due rites. A large crowd of muslims gathered and body was removed from the grave and carried to city. The crowd was intercepted by the police on the outskirts of city but the police were soon overwhelmed. Just than military arrived. The crowd was ordered to disperse, but the mob became defiant and unruly whereupon the military fired on the mob, resulting in the casualties mentioned above. The legislative assembly carries the motion of mr. K.L. Gauba censuring the government regarding karachi firing. (84)
Mr. Gauba moved motion on these karachi killings in the indian legislative assembly. M. A. Jinnah and lalchand navalrai of larkano, spoke on the motion. Lalchand navalrai said that the deplorable incident at karachi had a back ground and it was stirred by out-site elements. From his knowledge of sindh he could assert that the relations between the hindus and muslims in sindh were most cordial.
M.A.Jinnah contended that the civil authorties had miss- managed the whole business. The government failed in their duty. "I ask in the name of humanity, civilized government and justice that you should appoint an independent commission of enquiry if you want us to respect the government and have confidence in you".
The reaction was shown by muslim politician. On 28th of april 1935, a meeting of muslim leaders was held at karachi with ghulam hussain hidayatullah in chair. It was demanded that enquiry be conducted on the ugly event of firing on muslim procession resulting killing of more than twenty people. (85)
The hindu press from the very beginning condemned the killing of nathoram. The chand newspaper of hyderabad on the second day of killing of nathoram , wrote that “ nathoram was translator and publisher of book written against the prophet of islam. The book was written and published in punjab where no action was taken against publisher and writer in the light of decision of court. Whereas in sindh translator and publisher is killed in the court much before any decision is taken by the court. Sindhi hindus must take it seriously and keep in mind that they will not get any fair treatment from sindhi muslims. (86).
Activities of shudhi sabha encouraged some hindus to work against peace and harmony of sindh. Nathoram’s activity regarding translation and publication of anti-islam literature was an example in this regard. Hindus, prior to this did their level best to honour and respect islam, even wrote/translated very valuable books on islam. Lalchand amardinomal translated book “ muhammad rasoolulah” in …….And an other book “ islam jo peghamber” was translated and published by hotchand dialmal. But, now, men and their pen were being used for attacking islam. We find hundreds of books and articles on this topic. [87]. Hindus started converting muslims to hinduisms and in its reaction moulana muhammad sadik of karachi, moulana taj mahmood amroti and other muslim religious scholars encouraged embracing of islam by hindus. Hence, sindh stood divided into hindu and muslim camps. Maulana taj mohammed of amraot near larkana, a top khilafat leader, converted seven thousand hindus in the countryside. To this day amraot preserves the list of those converts.
References and notes:
1. “dr. H.T. Sorley: “the gazetteer of west pakistan, the former province of sind”, lahore, 1986, p.P. 146 47.
2. Ibid p/149)
3. Hindus (“sindh-ji- hindun-ji-tarikh”, vol-I, p.P 38-39)
4. Dr. Mumtaz hussain pathan: “arab kingdom of al-mansurah in sind”, institute of sindhology, jamshoro, 1947. P.152
5. Bheromal mahrchand advani: “sindh jay hindun ji tareek”, karachi, 1946, vol.I, p.37)
6. Futuh-al-baldan( ahmad ibn yahya), tarik-al- yaqubi( ahmed bin ibn yaqub), tarik al-tabari (al-tabari) ajaib al- hind (buzurk ibn shaharyar), al-fihrist (ibn al-nadim), chach namah (ali ibn hamid al-kufi)
7. M.H.Panhwar: ‘source-material on sind’,institute of sindhology, jamshoro, 1944. Page 434]
8. Nisyani, tahir muhammad, mir: tarikh tahri, sindhi translation by niaz hamayuni, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 1998, pp. 32-33]
9. Tarikh-I-tahiri, hied, I, tr. 2nd ed. Ii, 343; t.A, iii, 772, firishta ( briggs, iv.411) states that the sumras ruled for 500 years, but according to the lith,ed.Ii, 609, 100 years only.
10. Ghulam muhammad lakho’s . The samma kingdom of sindh, institute of sindhology, p6
11. Ibid.
12. Jagaducharita,v,vv.3-41; edited by g.Bulher, indian studies,I.
13. Tuhfatul kiram, iii,pp.39,49; tarikh-I-tahiri also gives the name of last sumera ruler as doda sumera and describes him as an oppressive ruler ( e,& d, I, 271).
14. Chronological dictionary of sindh by m.H.Panhwar. 1983. ]
15. Chronological dictionary of sindh by m.H.Panhwar. 1983.
16. H.T.Sorely: “the gazetter of west pakistan”, 1968, p.152
17. Mir ali sher qaniu : “ tuhufat-ul-kiram”, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 1976, pp.121-22
18. The name of the rulers are: 1-jam unar 2-jam junan 3-jam banbhina 4-jam tamachi 5-jam salah-ud-din 6-jam nizam-ud-din 7-jam ali sher ( son of tamchi) 8-jam karan 9-jam fath khan 10-jam tughlaq 11-jam mubarak 12-jam sikandar 13-jam raidhan 14-jam sanjar 15-jam nanda 16-jam feroz
19. Dr. Ghulam muhammad lakho : “samman ji sultinat”, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 2013, p.27
20. Ibid
21. Dr. Ghulam muhammad lakho: “samman ji sultinat”, sindhi adabi board, 2013, p.72
22. Ibid, p.84
23. Dr. Ghulam muhammad lakho : “samman ji sultinat’, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 2012, p.64.
24. Names of tarkhan rulers are: mirza esa khan awal, mirza salih baig, mirza baqi baig, mirza jani baig, mirza ghazi.
25. Mughal rulers appointed thirty eight governors in sindh. Some of them were: sultan hassan mirza, mirza mustafa khan, nawab sharif-ul-malik, mirza jan baig, nawab muzafar khan, nawan mughal khan, nawab zafar khan, nawab lashkar khan, nawab ghazanfar khan, nawab syed izat khan, nawab abu nusrat khan, nawab khanzada khan, nawab sardar khan, nawab zabardast khan, nawab hifzullah khan, mir amiruddin khan, nawab yousif khan, nawab muheem khan, nawab khuwaja muhammad khalil, mir lutuf ali khan, nawab mahabat khan, sultan mahmood khan, nawab diler khan and nawab himath diler khan etc. For compilation of this list, following books have been referred : tuhfat-ul-kiram, tuzuk-I-jehangri, tazkira-I-amir khani, maqli nama, tareek firshta,
26. H.M. Panhwar : “ source material on sind’, institute of sindhology, jamshoro, 1977, p.447
27. Dayaram gidumal : “ something about sindh’. 1882, pp.55-58.
28. M.H.Panhwar: “ kalhora conference sovinuor”, sindh university, jamshoro, p 3)
29. Ghulam rasool mahar: “ tarekh kalhora’, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, p.25)
30. Bheromal advani : “sindh ji hindun ji tarekh”, karachi, 1945, vol- 1, p.49)
31. Ghulam rasool mahar: “ tareekh kalhora”, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, vol-1, p.212).
32. Khudadad khan : “lub tarekh sindh”, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 1989, p.164)
33. Emenent rulers of kalhora dynasity were: mian nasir muhammad kalhoro 1696-1701, mian yar muhammad 1701-1719, mian noor muhammad 1719-1755 ,muhammad muradyab khan 1755-1757, mian ghulam shah kalhoro 1757-1772, mian sarfraz kalhoro (khudayar khan) 1772-1783, muhammad khan, and mian ghulam nabi,
34. H.T.Sorley: ‘the gazetteer of west pakistan”, p.166)
35. Elphinson, mount stuart : “ an account of the kingdom of couble’, london, 1841, vol-11, p.516)
36. Elphinson, mount stuart : “ an account of the kingdom of couble’, london, 1841, vol-11, p.516)
37. Hindus & non-muslims those served in kalhora government:
38. Adomal khalomal, diwan (militry officer in mian noor muhammad kalhoro’s government and sacrificed his life in war with mughals); butasing ( forefather of butanis- kardar in kalhora’s government), diwan; gidumal, diwan ( forefather of gidwanis, diwan in the government of mian noor muhammad kalhoro, played vital role to bring mian muhammad murad yar khan kalhoro in power; after the death of mian noor muhammad he was appointed diwan by mian ghulam shah kalhoro in his government;. He supervised the construction work of hyderabad fort and ;established his own village gidu jo tando;. He was political and diplomatic figure of his own right.), jethmal belaram,diwan (governor of shikarpur with his own mint during kalhora ), mawaldas sagrani, diwan (diwan at khudaabad in kalhoras’ governments)
39. Bheromal advani: ‘sindh ji hindun ji tareekh, karachi, 1946, vol-11, p.298).
40. Dr. H.T.Sorley: “ the gazetteer of west pakistan-the former province of sind”, 1968, pp174-75).
41. Tarikh-I-baluchistan by shedai)
42. Dr. Safia bano: “ameeran talpur- siyasi aur adabi tareek).
43. Bheromal advani: “sindh ji hindun ji tareekh’, 1946, vol-1, p.52)
44. Saeen bux qaboolai: “makhdoom abdul rahim girhori”, 2000, p. 121).
45. Dr. Nabi bux khan balochi: “madahoon ain manajatoon”, sindhi adabi board, jamshoro, 1966, p.78-)
46. Shamsul ulema allama dr. Daudpoto: “shaikh abdul rahim grohri jo kalam…………….
47. Dr.Dur muhammad pathan: ‘hindus in kalhora and talpur governments”, 2010
48. Bheromal advani: “sindh ji hindun ji tareekh’, 1946, vol-1,pp.224-25
49. Authony starkey, the first englisghman to come, arrives at thatta in the ship “dragon.” in february 1612. He is carrying important letters and document with him. He lands at thatta with tow purposes: to transverse the land route for england,and to find trade opportunities in sindh. After a few days, he is poisoned by portugueses there([a. B. Advani’s article “the early british traders in sind”, published in the journal of sindh historical society,” karachi, vol-I part-I, may,1934, p.34
51. In this connection specific reasons can be states: (1). Fear caused by napoleon’s invasion of egypt, which raised speculations india may be invaded. Russian threat and afghan wars. The east india company made mind that either sind should accept british paramountcy of final annexation by war.
52. See “ correspondence related to sinde’, london, 1844, p.50)
54. Consequent upon the retirement of sir chales napier, vide letter no. 3462, dated 15th september 1847, the government of bombay appointed r. K. Pringle as the commissioner of civil administration of sindh (refer file no 210, of the political department for year, 1847, pp.1-7). Later on those who were appointed as commissioner in sindh are: sir bartle e. Frere, general johan jacob, jonathan d inverarity, samuel mansfield, sir william l merewether, william henery havelock, francis dawes melvill, sir james braithwaite peile, henry napier bruce eriskine, charles bradley pritchad, arthur charles trevor, henry enab murchison, sir chares oliphant (acting), sir andrew wingate (acting), sir robert giles, a. Cumine, john william piti muir-mackenzine, a.D. Younghasband, william henry lucas, reginald pecock barrow, henry s lawrence, jean louis reiu, p.R.Cadell. W.F.Hudson, g.A.Thomas and gibson ( dr. H.T.Sorley : “gazetteer of west pakistan”, lahore, p.Cxlii)
55. So many examples can be quoted here to prove the fact that the east india company supported mir ali murad khan of khairpur on so many matters. In 1839 the dispute occurred between mir ali murad khan and mir naseer khan on the right of possession over five villages. Ross bell who was political agent made decision in favour of mir ali murad khan (refer file no. 306 of the political department, for year 1839, pp, 295-300)
56. What seth naomal did for the east india company government? It was narrated by the governor of bombay on 1st january 1867: in beautifully decorated and overflowing frere hall of karachi, sir bartle frere the governor of bombay presents the insignia and grant of the dignity of companion of the most exalted order of the star of india to seth naoomal hotchand. The governor in his speech said:” you had great influence amongst your countrymen; you possessed information drawn from every part of northern and western india; and you placed all unreservedly at the disposal of the government”. (the daily gazette, karachi, dated 2nd january 1867, p.1). The history of friendship between seth naoomal with aliens is recorded in files of their correspondence. It can be surmised as follow: 1835 :colonel pottinger, the resident in cutch visits hyderabad to negotiate the treaty made for throwing open the indus to commercial vessels. Seth naomul hotchand calls upon him and makes acquiesce. 5.3.1837: captain carless arrives at karachi to stay there for three months. Seth naomul hotchand receives him and bring him to town.1838: seth naomal hotchand receives letter sent by colonl pottinger asking him to assist general kaene’s army by procuring camels and supplies of food.1938 ( november): major outram arrives at karachi . He is hospitably received by naomul’s family and is escorted by his brother shookiram to gharo, where seth naomul is already engaged in completing the task of collecting cattle and supplies for british forces.
57. Manora was captured on 3rd of february 1839 and karachi was taken over on 7th february 1839 in this connection the agreement for surrender of manora is signed by hassil bin bacha khan, soobdar and commandant of the fort, in representation of khair muhammad, the military chief, ali rakhio, on the part of civil government. On capturer side it was signed by sir fredrick lewis maitland, k.C.B., commander-in-chief of h.B.M. Naval forces in east indies, brigadier thomas valiant k.H., in charge of the land forces.
Consequent upon the capture of manora, an agreement was signed to handover the fort and city of karachi to british forces. They family of seth naomul hotchand was entrusted with the business of landing the stores and keeping in their custody. Elder brother of seth naomal hotchand supervised the task and helped british in selecting a spot for the encampment of the troops. The plain between the town and rambagh was selected. At that time seth naomul himself was in jherk and his younger brother sookhramdas was in shikarpur in help of british/east india forces. (see, dr. Dur muhammad pathan’s ph.D thesis “ the role of karachi in development of sindhi language and literature”, 1979, p.35)
59. Ibid, p.40
61. This is amazing to note that in thirty years thirteen sindhis did graduation and only one of them was muslim. Their names are: choharmal punjabi (1865), alomal bhojwani (1867), mirza sadiq ali baig (1872), tekchand wasvani (1875), dayram gidumal shahani (1887), harchandrai vishandas (1882), vazirmal lalvani (1884), tahilram vazirani (1884), bulchand jagtiyani (1884), hiranand advani (1886), mathiradas jawahri (1886), himathsing advani (1886) and dilpatrai lalvani (1886) [see, “sindh jay hindun ji tarekh’ by bheromal advani, vol-11, p.60]
63. The first ever appointments of mukhtyarkars include the following names::diwan chandiram, mukhtyarkar talti,.Pohomal, mukhtyarkar of lakhi,jethmal, mukhtyarkar of manjhand and hasoomal, kardar of bada and petaro in march 1843 sookhiram, brother of seth naomul is appointed as the collector of customs and diwan mulchand as in charge of the town choki ( police station). In may 1843 seth naomul hotchand is appointed as the head kardar of karachi. (dr.Pathan: chronology reflecting services rendered by sindhi hindus”, 2012, p.5)
64. Bombay government gazette. Date given in thetext .
66. See, letter no.1814, dated 6th september 1851, from commissioner in sindh to government of bombay. File no 228 of general department for year 1851, pp.103-111)
67. In early days of its inception sindh sabha sent the memorial to “ indian education commission”, set up by the government of india, underlining the educational needs of sindh with specific proposals such as the opening of more secondary schools and establishment of normal school. It is signed by dayaram jethmal ( later on onr of founders of the d.J.Sindh college),diwan metharam of hyderabad; diwan gidumal shahani ( at that time civil judge, shikarpur); diwan wadhumal chandiram; seth alumal trikamdas; fathchand attaram; udharam mulchand and pestonji byramji kotwal.
68. Dayaram gidumal : “hiranand-the soul of sindh”, 1938, p. 67
69. Dayaram gidumal : “hiranand-the soul of sindh”, 1938, p.62
70. See, “ an introduction to smiu”, 2016, p.10)
71. Walls of karachi were chalked with slogans and writings against hassanaly effendi. One of those was: “ hassanali wakel, tujhay allah karay zalil”.(dr.Imdad hussain sahito : …………..)
72. The daily gazette, karachi, dated, 4th october 1909, p.7
73. The daily gazette, karachi, dated, 19th march 1923, p.5
74. In 1927, the office-bearers of sindh shudi sabha were: lala jaswantrai ji (president), swami govindanand (vice president), k. Punniah (vice president), lala amirchand ji (secretary), manilal .J. Vyas and m. Jairamdas ji (assistant secretaries) . See, the daily gazette, karachi, dated, 19th january 1927.
76. The daily gazette, dated. 10th of january 1928,p.11.
77. The daily gazette, dated 31th march 1927 under the heading “ larkana roits- an eye-witness story”, p.7
78. The debates of house of commons, hc deb 02 may 1927 vol 205 cc1247-81247
79. On 02 may 1927 the questions asked and replied in the house of commans, are reproduced as under:
§ colonel day
Asked the under-secretary of state for india if he has received a report of the hindu-moslem 1248affray which occurred at larkana, upper sind, on the morning of 30th march; how many people were injured as a result of this dispute; how many arrests were made; and if any of the injuries have resulted fatally?
§earl winterton
I have so far received only brief telegraphic reports. These indicate that 69 persons in all were treated for injuries at hospital, of whom one succumbed to his injuries, and that about 70 persons were arrested.
§colonel day
Has the noble lord any information as to the origin of the affray?
§earl winterton
No, sir; I have only brief telegraphic information, but I should imagine that it arose in the ordinary way, out of communal feeling.
§mr. Wardlaw-milne
Has the noble lord any information about further riots?
§earl winterton
I should have to have notice of that question. I think that since then the district has fortunately quieted down.( hc deb 02 may 1927 vol 205 cc1247-81247)
80. The daily al-waheed, karachi, dated 2nd may 1927,p.5)s
81. The daily gazette, karachi, dated 13th december, p.7)
82. The daily al-waheed, karachi, dated 4th january 1928, p.1
83. See, tareekh ji dari khulay thi, by dr. Dur muhammad pathan. The daily kawish, hyderabad, 2nd april 2017, p.11
84. See, tareekh ji dari khulay thi, by dr. Dur muhammad pathan. The daily kawish, hyderabad, dated 4th april 2018, p.11
85. The indian annual register, 1927, vol-1, p.230
86. Pg.25 1935 indian annual register volume 1
87. Daily gazette, karachi, dated 29th april 1935, p.7
88. Daily chand, hyderabad,
89. In 1925, the mirpurkhas gazette started writing against islam and rejoinders by muslim writers were published in various muslim newspapers and journal. For having bird’s eye vies, look at this list: “ in reply to objections raised by arya samaj against islam” (rejoinder by moulana din muhammad wafai, published in touheed, no.9 & 10, vol-2. June-july 1925), “ how many kinds of quran are there?” (rejoinder by same writer and published in same journal).