Mr. H.s.PAMNANI: Will the Honourable Minster in charge please state-

(a)              How many cased were filed against Bhai Lekhraj, Om Radhe, and others of Om Mandli at Karachi and Hyderabad (Sind)-

(i)                By Government.

(ii)              By others.

(b)             When where the cases field and under what section was each case field?

(c)              When were the cases withdrawn?

(d)             What were the grounds for withdrawing the cases?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDAYATULLAH: (a) The number of cases field at Karachi and Hyderabad by Government and others is given below:-

                                                            By Government.     By others.

Karachi           ...       ..          ..                    I                            10

Hyderabad   ...        ..          ..                     2                             ...

(b) and (c) The required information is given Below:-


The date on which the case was filed.

The section under which the case was filed.

The date on which the case was withdrawn.


(a)Case filed by Government.

10th Jan, 1939.

363/366/354/109, I.P.C

20th July 1939.

(b) Cases filed by others.


5 cases ..  ..

16th Feb, 1939.

363, I.P.C.

25th Aug, 1939

3 cases .. ..

13th Feb, 1939.

342, I.P.C.

25th Aug, 1939

1 cases .. ..

6th Feb, 1939.

363, I.P.C.

25th Aug, 1939

1 cases .. ..

9th Feb, 1939.

342, I.P.C.

11th Aug, 1939.



(a)              Cases filed by Government-


1 case .. ..

16th Aug, 1938.

107, Cr.P.C.

21st Nov. 1938.

1 case .. ..

22nd April 1939.

451, I.P.C.


(d) The cases where withdrawn on the following grounds:-



(a)  Government case...

Government did not consider it necessary to proceed with the prosecution.


(b) Other cases…

In six cases the complainants, did not wish to proceed and therefore the, cases were dismissed under section 203, Criminal procedure Code. In the remaining four cases the complainants did not appear and the cases were dismissed under section 259 criminal Procedure Code.



The proceedings under section 107 criminal procedure Code, where quashed by the Judicial commissioner’s Court.


Mr. H.S. PAMANANI: It is written at page 2, “Government did not consider it necessary to proceed with the prosecution”.

What were the grounds for dropping the cases?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDAYATULLAH : The grand’s were that the Public Prosecutor advised that the cased would not end in conviction.

Mr. H.S. PAMNANI: Was not the advice of the Public Prosecutor taken before filing the cases?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDAYATULLAH: Nobody can make a report before the case is taken up.

Mr. H.S.PAMNANI: Was he not consulted before the case?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDYATULLAH: How could he be consulted beforehand? When there is evidence the case has to be proceeded with ordinarily.


2. Mr. H.S. PAMNANI: Will the Honourable Minster in charge please state-

(a) Whether the attention of Government has been drawn to articles in the Sansar Samachar of July 18th and 20th 1939, dealing with Om Mandli of Karachi and Hyderabad (Sind)?

(b) Are Government aware that the activates of Bhai Lekhraj and his associates still continue and that public opinion is greatly agitated over the ineffectiveness of the banning order?

(c) What further steps do Government intend taking to see that the banning order becomes effective?


 (a) Yes.

(b) The unlawful association (Om Mandli) has since ceased to function.

(c) Does not rise.

Mr. H.S.PAMNANI: Is Government satisfied that the association has ceased to exist?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDYATULLAH: Government made enquiries from the District Magistrate through the D.S.P, and Government were informed that the Mandli had ceased to exist as such.

Mr. H.S.PAMNANI: Is it a fact that even now Government is thinking of filing new cases against this Mandli?

The Honourable SIR GHULAM HUSSAIN HIDAYATULLAH: If there is fresh evidence, we will file fresh prosecutions. If any individual has a grievance against the Mandli he may go to Court.

Good Wishes