

" Metab: Shakhsiyat-Kirdar-Manjtia" (Book on Madam Mehtab Akbar Rashdi).
Madam Mehtab Akbar Rashdi is self-made and role-model for young generation struggling for bright future. She has proved that poverty and lower class cannot chain bright future and talents & potentialities have power to get themselves recognized. Daughter of a simple and humble Teacher, Madam Mehtab earned name and fame as a University Professor, educationists, Director Sindhology and Secretary to Government of Sindh. After retirement She got chance to serve Sindh in capacity of a Member of Sindh Assembly.
When She was Director, institute of Sindhology, she borrowed services of my father Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan from Education Department for Institute of Sindhology as its Deputy Director and very kindly gave him free hand in introducing and working on project aimed at collection & preservation of Source-Material on history of Sindh.
The intellectual, cultural, social & political status of Madam Mehtab Akbar Rasdhi is touching height to extent that she becomes first lady who earned affection, appreciation and praise in her life in the shape of a wonderful book. I am sharing photo of Title page of that book. It is available in Gul Hayat.(Mumtaz Pathan)


Good Wishes