IMG 20181230 WA00401
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Dear!  Be, what you are. Don't behave beyond your position. We all are equal and none of us is Mighty or Super-natural. Everybody deserves treatment at par with us. Whoever will follow self-oriented strategy, will be problem for all, including himself /herself. 
Dear!  Be, what you are. You are love & beauty, vision & wisdom and peace. Promote it, share it and deserve it.]
جڏھن ماڻهون دنيا کان ۽ پاڻ کان وڏو ٿيندو آ, 
پوء ماڻھپي کان صفا نڪري سو جڏو
ٿيندو آ, 
انا پرست جو سدائين سڀ سان ڦڏو
ٿيندو آ, 
اندر ڄڻ تڏو ٿيندو آ,  مئل دل محبت
سلام جو.
IMG 20181231 WA0018
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[Dear! New Year is taking birth tomorrow.  Let it be your reincarnation also. You and me have remained at distance with differences since second day of our creation. We can't afford it more in the greater interests of our Common Bright Future. Let you come and find your proper place, that is our hearts. Not me, but you will be visible here and there along with your beauty & love and vision & wisdom. Come on to your Self, tomorrow.]
سڀاڻي ايندو سال نئون تون پڻ ان سان گڏ جانب اچجان, 
نئين ناز انداز سان سرت سونهن سان اچي دل ۾ رهجان, 
سوچن لوچن ۾ سپرين  نينهن نظر سان تون وسجان, 
پوء پاڻ پيو پسجان,  ڌرتئ ۽ دل-وندن جي سلام ۾.
IMG 20190103 WA0051
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Life is one-time chance, let us not miss it. Love is life, let us avail it. Our hearts, minds and society can't afford more hatred and discrimination. Hence, let us share love & respect and kindness & peace. Because, they are requirements of our instincts and nature. Let us not dodge ourselves and others. Let us be happy and make others happy.]
اچ تہ ميڙيون محبتون رکيو نفرت ۾ ڇاهي؟
حياتي فقط هڪ دفعو ٻيهر ملڻي سا ناهي, 
دوکو نہ ڏيون دلين کي ٺاه ٺڳي جو ٺاهي, 
خزانو خوشين جو سرت سونهن منجھ آھي, 
تن من ڪاڏي نہ ڪاهي, امن ۽ سلام سواء.
IMG 20190102 WA0063 
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ The Sun of Sky rises daily morning, but the Sun of your Beauty & Love, Talents & Potentialities and Vision & Wisdom is ever shining and never sets. 
Dear!  You are symbol of integrity & determination, sincerity & dedication and kindnesses & peace. Therefore, I can't leave door of your heart. Shadows of differences and distance can't hide our contact & connection and my love with you.]
سج اڀرندي ڏسان فقط صبح جو پر سدا پسان سندء سونهن جو اڀريل سج, 
تون سچ, سرت, وفا, ايثار آهين نج, ان لاء هر پل توکي ئي سلام ڪريان.


Dr. Pathan wishes you Happy New Year and its 1st Good Day.
[ It is New Year and its 1st Morning, today. In your absence, I am wishing it to every Golden Heart and Pure Soul. I have witnessed thousands of New Years waiting for you and have bitterly experienced your distance and differences. Dear! Let you not be my lost love and beloved. Come on and let the world witness our unity and Union.]
عيسوي نئين سال جو اڄ آھي پهريون ڏينهن,
پر تو سان منهنجو نينهن, آهي صديون آڳاٽو




Good Wishes