IMG 20190113 WA0035
Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[Everybody is living his/her own life, but not me. It is because of your distance and differences. 
Dear! I am body and you are soul. How I can live my own life when my heart and mind, even eyes are on your side and none of them is with me. Your distance has thrown me before darkness and your differences have encircled me with sorrows & longings. 
Dear!  You are my life and let me to live my life, please.]    
گھاريان پر ڪين پيو گذاريان، ھئ جا هوت منهنجي حیاتي آھ،
تون ڌڻي منهنجئ دل جو پنهنجو تان روح بہ مون وٽ ناھ،
جي رسي پئين تہ رلي وڃان ۽ وٺي وڃي تن من کي باھ, 
جي رکيئي پري روح وجود کان تان پوء اندر ٻاهر اونداھ, 
دک درد اچي لاھ,  منهجئ دل جا ساجن سرت سلام سان.
IMG 20190111 WA0028
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ To care about interests, ego and hatred is to keep self away from love & beauty, vision & wisdom. It is a biggest self-dodging to trust and depend upon diminishing beauty and young age.age.People, abiding by this policy are problem for others and for themselves. They will act and react as high-risk for peace, love and beauty.]
جي اونو رکن انا نفرت مطلب جو سي محبت کان ڪوهين دور, 
وقتي سونهن ۽ جوڀن تي اهي ڪن ناز ۽ رهن سدائين مغرور, 
سک نہ ڏيندا سمجهي ڄاڻي پر ڏيندا توکي مون کي سور
نينهن ڄاڻن ناسور,  رهن پري سدائين سرت سچ سلام کان.
IMG 20190109 WA00421
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Most of us believe that happiness is an strength.  But, to very different people, it indicates our helplessness and compromising nature. Therefore, we must make others happy, but not surrender before happiness. Happiness makes us satisfied and  If we are satisfied with situation, conditions and circumstances,  It means we have compromised to be changed, but don't want to bring better change. It will block utilization and sharing of our talents & potentialities, vision & wisdom and beauty & love to bring better change.]
ڪي چون “خوشئ جهڙي خوراڪ ڪانهي“ڪي سمجهن “خوشي وڏي بي بسي“, 
جو ماڻھو مطمعن ٿيو سو ڄڻ سمجهوتو ڪري سدا ظاهر باطن سو في صدي, 
پاڻ نہ بدلجي پر جو بدلائي حالتون اهو ماڻھو  ئي ماڻي عظمت جي گدي, 
روح اهو ئي چئبو ردي, جو نہ سمجهي نہ ورهائي سرت سونهن سلام کي.
IMG 20190108 WA00141
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[Because of my behavior without hope & trust, not acceptable attitude and defective dealing I always remained at distance and difference with beauty & love, kindness & cooperation and vision & wisdom of my beloved and away from her/him. Otherwise, on her/his side & part, there was no any reservation, fault or late to accept and respect me along with my all mistakes and limitations.]
بره-وند برسن وسن وسائن روح وجود تي محبت سندا سدائين مينهن, 
مون تان پاڻ پري گهاريا ڏينهن, سندن سرت سونهن سچ سلام سواء.

IMG 20190107 WA0018

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ It is your greatness that in spite of my limitations, faults and mistakes, you have owned and protected me properly. This gesture of your kindnesses has made me your faithful, sincere and dedicated lover and follower. I accept and respect you as love & beauty and vision & wisdom, my dear. You are answer to my so many questions. You are resolution of my so many problems. You are my beloved, ideal and second to none in all respects.]
تنهنجئ جهولي منجھ جهان ان تان ڪيم مستان,
تنهجي سرت سونهن تي جانب مون آندو مون ايمان,
تنهنجي عظمت محبت حيثيت تي آھيان مان حيران, 
تون دوا دعا ۽ درمان, تنهنجو آئون آھيان سلامي سپرين

Good Wishes