Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Evening.
[ This world is wonderful and universe is beautiful. Here everything is available : sources & resources, beauty & love and vision & wisdom. It is our attitude and behavior, that creates problem. We are in trouble because, we violate Human-values and Natural-laws. We encourage terrible sitution, when self-interests, ego, hatred and discrimination start ruling our minds. When we love to take and get, but avoid to give, it brings sorrows & longings and deprivation & exploitation in our society.]
هئ ڏس ڀوري ڀون ۽ هو نيرو آسمان, سندرتا جي جهان ۾ ڇو ويڳاڻو انسان؟
ڪا بہ ڪمي ناهي ميسر سڀ سامان,
پوء بہ نہ ٿو پورو ٿئي ڪنهنجو ارمان,
هئ کوٽ دلين جي روين ڪيو نقصان,
ندئ ڪنڌئ تي پياسو تن من ٿئي نادان,
آدم ٿئي فقط محبت خدمت ساڻ مهان