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Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[Because of Love and respect with sincerity and dedication,  I have seen so many lovers, not on the door, but in the heart of their dear ideals. It is miracle of love that always  amalgamates love and beauty in a such a way that it becomes difficult to differentiate between lover and bolved. It is not narration, but experience. Peep into golden heart of my dear, you will find me very much there.]
در پهچايو دوست جي مون کي بره بڻايو بختور, 
جڏھن ٻولي ٻوليم پيار جي بڻجي ويس سخنور, 
ڪندي سندن سونهن امر, اٿم پڪ گهڻي پرين ۾.

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes