IMG 20190317 WA0154

Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Evening.
[Mighty human being is unpredictable and above our understanding. He/She takes no time to accept anyone, and snatches years-old relation as and if deems it fit. People like me have been trying since centuries to please dears & nears, but it is very difficult work. Perhaps, it will take more lives to complete this tough task]
ڪي صدين ۾ نہ سرچن سونهن سندا سردار,
ڪي ساعت ۾ سمجهن جيئن صدين کان يار,
مقدر جا نہ ماڻھن جي من جا عجب وهنوار,
سور سين هزار, پر پري ريت پريت سندي

Good Wishes