ABSTRACTS FROM THE OLDEST SINDHI PAPER “SINDH SUDHAR”. Research by Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan, Founder Gul Hayat Institute.
[ SINDH SUDHAR is one of the oldest Sindhi paper and was founded by the Sindh Education Department. It was handed over to Sindh Sabha in 1884 and Sadhu Hiranad became its editor. Later on it remained as in private sector. This paper was helping hand to the Government of British Sindh. I have collected, compiled and documented some of its editorial as this Source –Material may of use for Sindh History Lovers. SINDH SUDHAR, like other pro – government papers, determined three aims and objects for their journalism: To protect the interests of the Government and advocate its policies, to misguide masses and create misunderstanding about political and anti – government movements ; and to criticize and condemn political leaders and workers at large. Press challenged the Doctrine of Non – Violence of Gandhi to that extent that history has yet to accept it in toto. Press has left a big question on its credentials. Violence was witness in the name of non – violence. History of Freedom Movement has pages narrating such type of events. In my personal opinion, Makhdoom Bilawal is the first Religious – cum – political figure in the history of Sindh and Hind, was introduced and practiced the Doctrine of Non – Violence. But it is irony of fate that we have ignored our great people and their great contribution.
I have selected a few editorials of the SINDH SUDHAR. This paper had contributed a lot of editorials from 1919 up to its last issue on the political movements launched in Sindh. On 2nd of July 1928, the paper criticized Sindh Hindu Muslim Pact. In the same year on 20th of October, the paper condemned boycott of Simon Commission. In these years, the paper was being edited by Khanchand Rahumal. Here, you will find three editorials contributed in 1921]
1. Editorial on “Non – Co – operation” (April 1921)
Great efforts are being made in the interests of Non – Co – Operators to capture seats in municipalities. Non – co –operators having remained a loaf from the Legislative Councils have now turned to Local Bodies whose independence of Government control they are now out to declare. Will they succeed? We do not think they will, if reason and common sense will prevail in Municipalities. What are the facts? Municipalities will be a dead failure, a total wreck if Government do not support them with money and expert advice. When Non – co-operators come into power they will have to renounce all help from Government. How will the administration then be carried on when the funds are lacking? Will the Municipalities rates and taxes be raised? If so the ratepayers will then give their representatives some trouble and latter will then not be respected and honoured. If they do not raise the rates how can they carry on the administration and provide free compulsory education to children within their areas? Having left the councils to themselves the Non – co operators have proved their fatal weakness for constructive work. They will prove it again entering Municipalities with their present programme and policy.
2. Editorial on Gandhi & his followers(30th of April 1921)
The methods of Mr. Gandhi’s followers in carrying out the mandate of the Congress are curious. They imagine that whatever they do is an act of goodness. With the conscience at the mercy of a strong will they adopt all sorts of methods to infect the people, towns’ folk and villagers, with the virus of Non – Co – Operation. In towns they deliver lectures and misrepresent Government intention and doings. Silly rumours of the bombardment of some of the sacred places in Mesopotamia from the text of their lectures and these absured rumours are credited. When in the interests of law and order steps are taken to prevent disturbances in the vicinity of liquor shops, the story is at once circulated that Governments are against campaigns of temperance. Non – co – operators are at present concentrating their attention upon Melas and Fairs where thousands of pilgrims gatherings. They collect money from them in the name of religion but at the same time distribute printed books and other literature full of mischievous calumny and deliver speeches in a similar rein. When they are taken to task they cry a loud and in piteous tone repeat the old cry of Religious in Danger and quote Royal Charters and proclamations guaranteeing religious freedom. If those who are opposed to them descended to their level and adopt their policy they would be successful against them. But decency forbids.
3. Editorial on Non – co- operation (28th of May 1921)
Ever since Mr. Gandhi launched his disastrous policy of Non – co – operation, it has been obvious to most thinking men and women that it was bound to lead to chaos and anarchy. The doctrine, however, was so insidious and so unpractical that while it consisted of merely threats and while positive proof of its practical results was lacking there were hesitance and doubts on the part of many who were led away by the high sounding platitudes of Mr.Gandhi. Even its staunchest opponents were often in doubt as to how to deal with it. Now suddenly and without any warning the country has had proofs of the dire results of Mr. Gandhi’s movement. The riots, and disturbances in various parts of India culminating in the tragedy of Malegeon are directly attributable to the activities of Non – co – operators. Mr. Gandhi has admitted that the Non – co – Operation at Malegaon were false to their faith and creed, but some of his adherents are less sincere. They are adopting all manner of arguments to maintain their position . One Non – co – operator newspaper going so far as to say that if there was no Non – co- Operation policy the whole country would be plunged into anarchy. The assumption that Non – co – operators are the real saviours of the country is not only ridiculous but is wholly opposed to facts. There is sufficient proof that the doctrine leads to violence.
The Non – Co – Operators have nothing left to justify their policy that Non – Co – Operation is not and has never been non – violent. It is a destructive, aimless policy engineered by disappointed agitators. There is not a single constructive idea to be found in the doctrine. It is worst form of anarchy and those who preach it ought to be treated as preaching a doctrine subversive of law and order and ought to be kept in restraint as a danger to public safety. India is in need of several reforms and there is plenty of room within the boundaries of the law to agitate for them.