IMG 20181229 WA0162
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
ساجن هرڪو هت سوالي پر آئون پاڻ سوال
حل گهرجي هوت باقي ڪهڙو ڪيان احوال
تو بن منهنجا سپرين جيئڻ ٿيو ٿي جنجال
نرمل تون نگپال ٿي رکپال هن پيار پريم جو
IMG 20181231 WA0138
Dr.Pathan wishes you Good last Night of 2018 
[Last night of the year is winding up and is in hurry so as to bring chage and give birth to New year.
 Dear! Let us change our behavior & attitude reflecting our egotism,  hatred & discrimination. Let us promote mutual understanding, extent cooperation and pave way for Human love, beauty & respect, so as they can be dominating colours of our hearts & minds in New Year]
جیئن ٿي وڃي جانب سال جي آخري اڄ رات،
آء پرڇي پڄاڻي ڪریون نفئ جي ڪري اثبات،
محبت ۽ ماٹھپو مات, کائن نہ هن نئین سال ۾. ‏‎ ‎
IMG 20190101 WA0239
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night.
[  Do you want to know the greatness of my dear?  Everything is on her/his side. My beloved is selected by my heart, her/his beauty is supported by every ideology. Everybody is believing that she/he is my first and last love. 
But, in spite of that status and position, I am most honoured that she/he lives in my heart and is visible in my behavior. I am nothing, but he/she is everything. I am body and she/he is its soul.]
دل دنيا ۽ دين اهي ٽئي هر پل پرين جي پاسي, 
پر پرين ڇڏيو واسي, منهنجي روح وجود کي.
IMG 20190102 WA01661
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ I admit and accept that in beauty, vision and wisdom, I am not at par with you. But, in accepting, respecting and loving you, I am second to none. I am body, you are soul, I am love you are life. May you understand it and understand me. May you not lock door of your heart, because, it my Paradise lost.]
نہ صورت نہ سيرت پر تنهنجو پيار گهڻو, 
تن من ۽ روح وجود کي پرين پيا ٿا وڻو, 
ھي جي بار بره جا شل مون جيان کڻو, 
شل تالا ڪين هڻو, پنهنجئ دل جي در تي.
IMG 20190102 WA0166
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ I admit and accept that in beauty, vision and wisdom, I am not at par with you. But, in accepting, respecting and loving you, I am second to none. I am body, you are soul, I am love you are life. May you understand it and understand me. May you not lock door of your heart, because, it my Paradise lost.]
نہ صورت نہ سيرت پر تنهنجو پيار گهڻو, 
تن من ۽ روح وجود کي پرين پيا ٿا وڻو, 
ھي جي بار بره جا شل مون جيان کڻو, 
شل تالا ڪين هڻو, پنهنجئ دل جي در تي. 

Good Wishes