"Sindhi Ghazal" by Arjun "Shad".

Dr. Arjun Mirchandani Shad was born in 1924 in Sindh but after partition he migrated to India and settled down there in Bombay. He earned name and fame as a poet & scholar . His first book (Anoon  Ghityn Jo Gaeendar) was published in 1957. His books were included in syllabus of educational institutions. He was associated with Learned Bodies also. Most of his books are available in Gul Hayat collection. The title page of his one book is shared with friends.(Mumtaz Pathan)

ڊاڪٽر ارجن شاد 1924 ۾ سنڌ ۾ ڄائو ۽ 1947 کان پوء انڊيا لڏي ويو. هن هتي هڪ محقق نقاد ۽ شاعر جي حيثيت ۾ پاڻ مڃرايو. سندس پهريون ڪتاب (آئون گهٽين جو ڳائيندڙ) 1957 ۾ شايع ٿيو. هن جا ڪتاب تدريسي نصاب ۾ ب شامل ڪيا ويا. گل حيات ۾ موجود سندس ڪتابن مان هڪ ڪتاب جو ٽائيٽل پيج شيئر ڪريان ٿو. (ممتاز پٺاڻ)



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