"DECADE OF THE DACOITS". By Dr. Imdad Hussain Sahito.

My father Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan's research contribution is not only outstanding but unique also. He guided father ( Dr. Bashir Ahmad 'Shad') and son (Dr. Ahsan Danish) and both did Ph.D. Baba guided Prof. Imdad Hussain Sahito both in his research for M.Phill (in 1991 from the Quaid-i-Azam University) and Ph.D (in 2001 from Shah Abdul Latif University). It is unique example to guide two generations (father & son) and guide any one as his Supervisor in M.Phill and in Ph.D also.

Today I am sharing title page of his published Ph.D Thesis. It was published by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. (Mumtaz Pathan)

پئ ماء ھر ڪنهن کي پيارا هوندا آھن پر مون کي والدين سان پيار ب آهي ت فخر ب آھي. بابا ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ تحقيق جي حوالي سان منفرد ريڪارڊ رکي ٿو. شايد پاڻ واحد محقق آھي جنهن جي تحقيقي رهنمايئ ۽ تعاون سان پئ (ڊاڪٽر بشير احمد شاد) ۽ پٽ (ڊاڪٽر احسان دانش) ڊاڪٽري ڪئي. اهو ب شايد رڪارڊ آھي ت جنهن (پروفيسر امداد حسين سهتي) وٽس ايم فل ڪئي ان وٽس پي ايڇ ڊي ب ڪئي.اڄ جنهن ڪتاب جي ٽائيٽل جي تصوير ڏئي رهيو آهيان اها سندس پي ايڇ ڊي جي مختصر صورت آھي.

(ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)




Good Wishes