"SINDHI NOVEL AFTER PARTITION". Ph.D thesis of Dr. Noor Afroz Khoja.

After creation of Pakistan, our womenfolk has rendered valuable services in every field of life. Unfortunately there is no any Government step or initiate to collect data, information &   material on the Subject. There should be some sort of Research Institute for that purpose.

Dr. Noor Afroz is one of outstanding ladies of Sindh, those have contributed a lot in the field of education & research. She served as Dean, Faculty and Head of Sindhi Department of Sindh University. She conducted research on the topic of Novel and earned Ph.D. Her thesis has been published and is available in Gul Hayat. ( Mumtaz Ali Pathan)

ورهاڱي کان پوء سنڌ جي نياڻين زندگئ جي هر شعبي ۾ پنهنجو پاڻ ملهائيو آھي. ڊاڪٽر نور افروز خوجا ب انهن مان هڪ آھي جنهن سڄي ڄمار تعليمي خدمتون سرانجام ڏيندي پئي گذاري آھي ۽ تحقيق جي ميدان ۾ پاڻ ملهائيو آھي. هن هن “ ورهاڱي کان پوء سنڌي ناول جي اوسر“ جي موضوع تي Ph.D ڪئي ۽ سندس اهو مقالو شايع ٿي چڪو آھي. مان اڄ انهئ ڪتاب جي ٽائيٽل پيج جو فوٽو شيئر ڪريان ٿو. هئ ڪتاب گل حيات ۾ موجود آھي.

( ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)








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