متاز علي پٺاڻ.
" 'سنڌ مشن' جي عنوان سان بابا سائينءَ جي اهم تاريخي تحقيق".

مان پنھنجي والد تي جيترو بہ فخر ڪريان, اوترو گهٽ آھي. ڇو تہ بابا سائين علمي, قلمي ۽ تحقيقي حوالي سان سنڌ جو هڪ سچو عاشق آھي. باباسائين ٽالپورن جي دور کان وٺي اڄوڪي دور تائين سنڌ جي سياست, علم ادب, ثقافت, تعليم, تجارت ۽ سماج بابت جيڪو مواد گڏ ڪيو آھي ۽ عالمانہ انداز سان ترتيب ڏئي رکيو آھي, ان جو مثال ڪوبہ فرد يا ادارو پيش ڪري نہ ٿو سگهي.
جيتوڻيڪ اڄ ڪلھہ منھنجو گهڻو وقت گل حيات جي عمارت اڏائڻ ۾ گذري ٿو, پر وقت ڪڍي ڀريون ٻڌل بابا سائينءَ جي نوٽس جي صفائي بہ ڪندو آهيان. اڄ انگريزيءَ ۾ لکيل بابا سائينءَ جو "سنڌ مشن" جي عنوان سان هڪ مسودو نظر مان گذريو. اهي ڪمپوز ٿيل 54 صفحا آھن. انھيءَ مسودي ۾ فرنگي سفارتڪارن ۽ جاسوسن سنڌ ۾ نوس نوس ڪري, پنهنجيءَ سرڪار کي 24 نومبر 1831 کان 13 آگسٽ 1843 تائين جيڪي خبرون پهچايون, انهن جو اختصار سان اهي ڳالهيون ڪيون/لکيون آھن.
آئون اهو سڄو مسودو تہ هتي شيئر نہ ڪو ڪري سگهان, پر ان مان ٿورا مثال هتي ڏيان ٿو. باباسائينءَ جيڪو واقعو بيان ڪيو آھي يا ڳالھ ڪئي آھي, ان جو حوالو پڻ ڏنو اٿس. انگريزيءَ ۾ لکڻ جو ڪارڻ اهو هئس تہ اڄ جي سنڌي ماڻھوءَ کي تاريخ پڙھڻ سان ڪا خاص دلچسپي ڪانهي. بابا جي روز شيئر ٿيندڙ "سنڌ جي واقعاتي تاريخ" بہ انٽرنيٽ تي موجود سڀ دوست ڪونہ پڙھندا آھن. ان ڪري بابا مناسب ڄاتو تہ سنڌ جو ڪيس دنيا جي ڪورٽ ۾ ئي پيش ڪرڻ لاءِ انگريزيءَ ۾ ئي لکڻو پئي ٿو. مان اڪثر ڪري بابا جي انگريزي نوٽس جو ترجمو ڪندو آھيان. پر اڄ گل حيات جي اڏاوتي ڪم جي نگراني ڪرڻ واري ڪم ۾ مصروف هجڻ ڪري, بابا جي نوٽس جو سنڌيءَ ۾ ترجمو نہ ٿو ڪيان ۽ سندس مسودي مان اقتباس ڏيان ٿو:
Sind Mission.
Letter, dated 24th November 1831, from Captain Sir C. Malcolm, Superintendent of Navy, to Earl of Clare, President and Governor in Council, informing him as to the time the Sind Mission, under Colonel Pottenger would take to reach Mandvi ; letter from Mr. C. Morris, Chief Secretary to Government of Bombay to Captain Sir C. Malcolm in reply to the above letter; letter No. 1789, dated 28th November 1831, from Government of Bombay to Envoy in Sind informing him that an advance of Rs. 15,000 had been made in his favour on account of the mission to Sind; (Year, 1832 Department. Political… File No, 300 Page (1-3) &) (Year 1832 Department Political… 300 Page (5) &)
Letter from Governor in Council to His Highness Nawab Bahawalkhan, Daood Potra, Chief of Bahawalpore, making a Present of certain valuable articles to him for showing kind attentions and hospitality to Lieutenant Burns while on his journey to Lahore ; (Year, 1832 …Department, Political …File No, 300 Page (9-10) & )
Letter No. 256, dated 20th November 1831, from Political Superintendent, Cutch to Government of Bombay relating to the pursuit after free-booters ( Soda Jagatsing of Nagar Parkar and Soda Poonjaji of Vera- veer ) by Sindian troops under Nawab Ghulam Shah Laghari, Chief of Saimkote.(Year, 1832 …Department, Political …File No, 300 Page (22-24) &)
Letter, dated December 1831, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger forwarding him a copy of a letter written under order of Governor-General to Political Assistant at Ludhiana, and of one to the address of Maharajah Ranjeetsing, Ruler of Lahore, relating to Colonel Potenger’s Mission to the courts of Ameers in Sind in connection with improvement of means of intercourse between His Highness’s territories and those of British Government by the route of Indus; (Year, 1832 …Department, Political …File No, 300 Page (47-54) &)
Letter No. 43, dated 9th January 1832, from Government of Bombay to Colonel Pottenger acknowledging receipt of his Progress report relating to the mission to the Ameers of Sind and sanctioning grant of Presents to the Agent of His Highness Meer Murad Ali Khan of Sind; (Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 300 (71-72) & )
Letter, dated 12th January 1832, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger approving of the emissary of Meer Naseer Khan and of the course proposed to be followed in continuing his journey to Hyderabad;( Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 300 (73-83) &)
Letter, dated 19th January 1832, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India informing how he was received by the ‘Mahenandaes’ of Meer Murad Ali Khan, that his baggage was detained at the mouth of Indus and that he remonstrated with the ‘Mahemandars’ of Meer Alimurad Khan against the unfriendly act on the part of the Meer; (Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (26-35) &)
Letter No. 2, dated 21st January 1832, from Government of Bombay directing Colonel Pottenger to act in accordance with sentiments expressed in extract paragraphs 5 to 8 of the dispatch from the Governor-General. (Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (87-89) &)
Letter No. 40, dated 21st January 1832, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India stating that Syed Zainuddin discussed with him the claims of several rival candidates to the musnud of Sind Government after to the death of Meer Muradali Khan; (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (41-51) &)
Letter from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger acknowledging receipt of a letter and it translation from Meer Murad Ali Khan expressing His Highness’s friendly wishes and intentions towards His Lordship;(Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (41-51)&)
Letter, dated 25th January 1832, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger stating that the accounts of the Sind Mission will ultimately be passed by Supreme Government, but as the Bombay Government were connected with the Mission it would be convenient that they should pass in the first instance through that Government;(Year, 1832 … Department, Political … File No, 300(93-94)&)
Letter, dated 26th January 1832, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger acknowledging receipt of his letter of 8th idem and expressing-
(i) His Lordship’s approval of the instructions issued to Dr. Del Hoste to avail himself of the opportunities afforded by the Mission to extend acquaintance with the Geography of Sind;
(ii) Enjoining great caution to avoid incurring any imputation of converting the Mission into an expedition for the purpose of exploring the routes and military resources of the country.(Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(95-96) &)
Letter, dated 15th February 1832, from Government of India in reply to Colonel Pottenger’s letter No. 38, dated 21st January 1832, expressing approval of his conduct in the intercourse he had with Mehmandars; (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(117-118) &)
Letter No. 43, dated 31st January 1832, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India reporting the following proceedings with the Government of Sind with effect from the date of his arrival in Sind :-
(a) Suspicions raised in the mind of Meer Muradali owing to the deputation of Colonel Pottenger to Khairpur and obstruction put by the Ameer in the Colonel Pottenger’s design to proceed to Khairpur;
(b) Reception of Colonel Pottenger and his associates by Meer Muradali Khan;
(c) Interview of Colonel Pottenger with the Ameer.
(d) Draft treaty consisting of nine articles-Discussions of-with Munshi Khushiram. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (52-103) &)
Letters No. 46 and 46-B of 3rd February 1832 and 5th February 1832, respectively, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India informing that Meer Muradali had permitted him to proceed to Khairpur had permitted him to proceed to Khairpur and that before leaving Hyderabad he had sent an outline of treaty to Meer Muradali to calm his suspicions and asking for further instructions;( Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (147-175) (178-190) &)
Letter No. 53, dated 11th February 1832, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India informing:-
(a) That Meer Muradali accepted the Presents sent by His Lordship;
(b) That he had another interview with Meer Muradali Khan;
(e) That owing to certain disturbances at Khairpur his departure had been postponed to that place at the expressed desire of the Meer; (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (190-215) &)
Letter, dated 17th February 1832, from Government of India in reply to Colonel Pottenger’s letter No. 40, dated 21st January 1832, approving of the manner in which he discussed the question of succession and the caution maintained by him, and giving future instructions in connection with the matter; Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (119-120) &)
Letter, dated from February 1832, from Government of India forwarding, for information, to Colonel Pottenger copies of-
(I) A letter from Maharajah Ranjeetsing respecting the navigation of the River Indus and by him in explanation;
(2) A letter from Maharajah Ranjistsing in reply;
(3) Letter from Government of India in reply to the above. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301 (201-207) &)
Letter, dated February 1832, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger acknowledging receipt of Colonel Pottenger’s letter of 31st January 1832 and approving of his conduct in the difficult and troublesome discussions with Ruler of Hyderabad and his officers;(Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(161-163) &)
Letter No. 56 of Colonel Pottenger appointing Dr. Delhoste to proceed to Khairpur and giving him instructions for guidance. ;( Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301(249-290) &)
Letter No. 57, dated 22nd February 1832, from Colonel Pottenger to Government of India reporting the following further proceedings at the Court of Meer Muradali:-
(I) Message from Meer Muradali Khan desiring Colonel Pottenger to quit Hyderabad at once and proceed to Khairpur;
(2) Memorandum from Colonel Potenger to Meer Muradali stating that he was ready to act agreeably to his advice and that he was waiting for reply from Meer Rustomkhan;
(3) Deputation of Ahmedkhan and Bakshali to accompany Colonel Pottenger and his party to Khairpur;
(4) March of Kharaksing to Dera Gazikhan and preparations made by Ameers of Hyderabad to meet him on the Sind Frontier;
(5) Message from Meer Muradalikhan desiring Colonel Pottenger to return to Cutch if such a contingency arose and informing that he would write a letter to His Highness Governor-General explaining him the reason for dismissing the Mission;
(6) Memorandum from Colonel Potenger to the Meer making some suggestions for establishing certain degree of political influence, without which no treaty would be found effectual.
(7) Letter from Colonel Pottenger to Meer Murad Ali Khan informing that he had decided to send one of the gentlemen of his suite (Dr. Delhoste) to Khairpur ;unfriendly attitude adopted by the officers and difficulties thrown in the way of Colonel Pottenger’s access to Khairpur by the Meer and Colonel Pottenger’s protest. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 301(249-290) &)
Letters, dated 29th February 1832, and 2nd March 1832, from Dr. Delhoste, attached to the Mission to Colonel Pottenger, relating to his reception at the Khairpur Durbar. ; (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(167-181) &)
Letter No. 71 of March 1832 from Government of Bombay to Colonel Pottenger reporting depredations committed by the Free-booter Pittoojee Waghela and requesting that it should be brought to the notice of the Ameers, if so desired. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(188) &)
Letter, dated 17th March 1832, from Government of India (I) approving, with certain modifications of the draft treaty negotiated with Meer Muradali and giving further instructions; (2) forwarding a letter to the address of Meer Muradali Khan, assuring His Highness that British Government had no desire to covet his possessions (i.e. Shikarpur) and that integrity of Sind dominions will ever be respected. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(209-211) &)
Letter, dated 17th March 1832, from Government of India to Colonel Pottenger, conveying His Excellency the Governor General’s approbation of the prudent and conciliatory course of proceedings which he (Colonel-Pottenger) adhered throughout the course of his negotiations and furnishing further instructions. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(213-218) &)
Letter No.59, dated 19th March 1832, from Acting Resident at Bhooj forwarding copies of correspondence relating to complaint of one Sador Rahbaree of Palanpur against an outrage committed by certain Khosas of Islamkote and (2) of a letter to the address of Ameers of Sind for redress of grievances. (Year, 1832-33 … Department, Political … File No, 300(268-270) &)

Good Wishes