"سنڌي ساهت ۽ مشھور مستشرقين"
"Sindhi literature & language and work done on it by western people" by Habibullah Bhutto.
Habibullah Bhutto of Shikarpur was basically a Teacher. He also served his city as elected Councillor. But, he was known and famous as writer. His literary contribution is laudable. This book written by him is one of his outstanding works. In this book he has given biographies and details of works of British officers those conducted research and surveys of Sindhi language and literature. (Mumtaz Ali Pathan)
مرحوم حبيب الله ڀٽو هڪ نامور استاد ليکڪ ۽ ڪائونسلر هئو. شڪارپور رهواسئ هن قلم ڌڻئ ڪارائتو قلمي پورهيو ڪيو. سندس هئ ڪتاب هن جي علمي حيثيت جي ساک ڀري ٿو. جن انگريزي عملدارن سنڌي ٻولئ ۽ علم ادب تي ڪم ڪيو انهن جو تفصيل سندس هن ڪتاب ۾ موجود آھي.

(ممتاز علي پٺاڻ)




Good Wishes