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Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ I have been passing my nights as Suhni passed properly. Fear and doubts or raditions and out-dated values can't block my way towards my destination. Cool and dark nights are source of inspiration for me to warm my soul in the light of the beauty and kindness of my ideal beloved.]
گذري هر ڪا رات اسان جي جيئن ً سهڻئ“ هئي تہ گذاري, 
ريتن رسمن ڪوڙن قدرن وڌي نہ محبت منجھ گهاري, 
سردي ۽ رات بہ ڪاري, پر ڪن روشن روح وجود کي

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes