IMG 20190121 WA0116
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Night. 
[ Beauty without love and love without beauty are incomplete. Dear!  Don't make it defective, because of hunting for perfect beauty or love. It is miracle of the love that it ignores mistakes and faults. Accept love so as your faults and mistakes can be ignored totally and you be accepted and trated as an ideal and second to none beautiful. ]
نہ ڪا سونهن سون نہ ڪا چاهت چاندي, 
اها عجب جهڙي سوچ ڪٿان تو آه آندي, 
بره سيکاري برابري تون ڇو بڻائين باندي؟
پيار پرين جي پيراندي,  وٺ تہ والي ٿئين.

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes