IMG 20190122 WA00392
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Time, place and circumstances can't stop me to wish you my best regards, love and respect. Raining is disturbing, electricity has found excuse for longest breakdown and Internet is not available. But, so what? Your beauty and my love is  hete and there.  You and me are very much connected and will remain connected for ever. I pray for your long life full of happiness, peace and love. ]
بارش ھجي بجلي نہ هجي مٿان هجي پارو ۽ قهر جو سيارو, 
ڀلي انٽرنيٽ بہ جواب ڏئي ڀلي وقت ڏئي نہ ڏئي جي وارو, 
توکي ڪبو ياد قربدار ڇو جو آھين تون پرين من پيارو, 
وٺي دعا سلام جو سهارو, در پهچبو دلبر تنهنجي ڌيان سان

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes