textgram 1547782841
Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day. 
[ Dear!  I am witness to your greatness. You are source of beauty & love and vision & wisdom. You have wonderful way how to accept and respect people like me without any kind of discrimination. Whoever is near to you my dear is superior to me in all respects. Shower of your beauty, beautiful vision and shadow of wisdom give life to dead. 
Kowing and understanding all this, how I can leave your door? It is impossible. With the support of my sincerity, trust and sacrifice, I will be always there to wait for more and more kindness.]
سرت جو سونهن جو تون آھين عجب آبشار, 
 پريت جي ريت جو بره جو تون آھين بهار, 
بي مثل تنهنجي دامن جو دل جو آهي پار, 
چوڏھن طبق روشن ٿين جي ڪرين اقرار, 
ايندو تنهنجي اڱڻ مٿي هي بره-وند بار بار, 
هڪ نہ پر هزار, ڪندو سر قربان سلام سان. 

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes