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Dr. Pathan wishes you Good Day.
[ Dear!  Your dear and yourself need your much time and attention, attend them accordingly.  Let anybody own you, it will make you an ideal irrespective of your mistakes and limitations. If not, better to own your self. O. K, don't listen me, but try to understand that what is love and beauty and what are requirements of your instincts and nature.]
توجه گهرن ٿا تو کان گهڻو هڪ جانب ٻيو تنهنجو جئ,
ڪنهن جو ٿيئن تان سون ٿئين نہ تہ پنهنجو تہ پوء ٿئ, 
ڪجه تہ وهائج وئ, جيئن سمجهين سونهن سلام کي پرين

ڊاڪٽر در محمد پٺاڻ جا صبح جا سلام

Good Wishes